Welcome to Drill Point Grinders
and www.cuttermasterprofessional.com
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>> GS 13N
Tool Sharpening"that drill is only $2.00 , we don't sharpen" Most people don't sharpen because its difficult. Getting a good hole diameter and finish at any speed is an exact science, combine this with the fact stock drill tip geometry is usually not ideal for for a given application these days.. Make good parts with little down time. Cycle time is the name of the game. In simpler times when drill tip geometry didn't matter as much it was better and faster to set a new tool. With the new GSC Drill point and End Mill Grinders ends can be reground very accurately, to new or better than new in the time it takes to set a height offset. Unless you have qualified Tool and Cutter on staff. To grind
tools in house the machines should to be easy to use
with little training. Cuttermasters GSC tool room series drill point and
end mill end grinders make it possible for most anyone to produce better than factory
drill end geometry with minimal training.
"January 2012" "The machines are working out great. As always, so much repair work
going on here it’s slow to get into the Cuttermasters as much as I’d like
but it is easy to see how using them has already freed up a lot of time
otherwise lost to set-ups on my old Cinncinnatti. Very well designed and
executed little machines; convenient, fast and precise results every time, all
in a small shop area footprint. Gary, Rolls Royce Aerospace. November
2009 : GS1 Drill Grinder Movie 11 megs
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