

                   DRILL AND END MILL GRINDERS

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GS-6 GS-13 GS-26



GS -13N End mill and Drill Cut off  .125 to 1 inch

One of our newest machines , Developed by GSC and  Cuttermasters we can now neck
or Cut off up to 1 inch with the Collet assembly, the chuck is good for short odd
size large rounds.

This machine has X travel and Y travel  and unlike any other the tool rotates during cutting or
the collet spindle can be turned off, there is a port for a vacuum pick up in the bottom of the machine

Motorized Collet chuck housing

X and Y axis dials

Standard Kit, Plated CBN and Diamond Wheels 2 collet holders

Machine is holding a 6 inch long .75 end mill

Lid open


NEW for November 2009

GS -13N End mill and Drill Cut off  .125 to 1 inch

Toycen - Cuttermasters   End Mill Neck Grinder

Cuttermaster ool room series Tool Cutter / Reduded neck Grinder

Open for Loading

6 inch long 2 flute zirc coated

Extra length Cutters

What can i say Its cool

Top View Ready to grind

End view X axiz feed screw dial






For More Information Contact:

Toycen Corporation
812 Proctor Avenue Ogdensburg NY 13669
Tel: 1 800 417 2171
FAX: 613 523 8265


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Copyright © 2008 Toycen Corporation
Last modified: 09/20/10