Cuttermasters  GSC

                   DRILL AND END MILL GRINDERS

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GS-6 GS-13 GS-26


[Under Construction]

GS - 26  End Mill End Grinder 3/8 inch to 1.0 inch

Cuttermaster  Professional End Mill End Grinder

This is our newest Tool Grinder comes in a cabinet with a vacuum and hose pick up for each side  of the machine Grinds 2 3 and 4 flutes Carbide or HSS



GS-26 Flyer




3 Flute end

4 Flute

Extra wheels for different end gash clearence cuts

This feature adjusts the width of the primary

collet Drawer, Wheels Drawer, Vacuum cabinet

Collet and shelf adapters

Cabinet mounted Power outlet





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Toycen Corporation
812 Proctor Avenue Ogdensburg NY 13669
Tel: 1 800 417 2171
FAX: 613 523 8265


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Last modified: 12/03/08